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We have our first contribution towards building up an insight of our local history. It is an article in The Mirror, dated Saturday June 7th 1834, describing Guilsborough Grammar School.

      It has been sent in by James Harrison who's pointed out that it would appear our "local" has undergone a name change as it is clearly called ' The George Inn' in 1834.

The article is best viewed as a pdf document by clicking on the thumbnail.    

A keen eyed local resident has pointed out that in fact there is an error in the article as

Sir John Langham is actually buried in All Saints Church, Cottesbrooke. The tomb and inscription are shown below


This “OUT OF THE ARCHIVES” photo  is of  Neaton Lane in Guilsborough. The commentary has been kindly provided by Eva Farey.

“When I saw this picture, it brought back memories from my childhood. I lived in one of these cottages in Neaton Lane, which started in Nortoft and ended at a gate to the field behind the Old Vicarage. There were six thatched cottages situated in the first part of the lane with a brick path running behind the first four. Opposite each was a shed which housed the outside lavatory and water had to be fetched from a single pump at the end of this path. The other two cottages had a similar arrangement but shared a well for their water. None of them had electricity. The gardens for all the cottages were contained in a plot adjacent to the end cottage. Some tenants kept pigs and/or chickens on their garden. The cottages were demolished in 1938 and there has been a storage facility on the site for some time now, although there are plans to build new housing.”housing.”

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Local History

Local news from the Northamptonshire villages of Cold Ashby,

Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell & Teeton and Thornby.

Last updated Thursday, September 19, 2024

Copy deadline for the Dec/Jan printed edition: Mon 4th November

