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Village News

Don’t forget to check our Events Diary for more information on events in all our villages and surrounding area.


Summer has been and gone during which time the Creaton Walking Group have been out and about, come rain or shine to walk some beautiful local routes. The group com-pleted their section of the Via Beata ending up in Watford and were delighted to be joined by a visitor from London and a local dog on doggie day care.

September as ever coincided with the Historic Churches Ride and Stride, taking in as many local churches as possible and admiring their architecture. It is always enjoyable to chat to the volunteers on duty in the churches.

If you enjoy walking in our beautiful countryside and can comfort-ably manage 8 miles / 3+ hours, do join the group on the second Saturday of every month. Meet at Creaton lychgate at 10am.

Next walks are on:

Creaton WI

Creaton Women’s Institute held its first meeting in November 1924 and we are very proud to be celebrating our centenary this year! As part of our celebrations, members have been getting together to enjoy after-noon tea at different local venues, including Kelmarsh Hall and Thornby Hall Centre for Buddhism, culminating in a special tea, with entertainment, in the United Reform Church in November.

Non-members are very welcome at our other two meetings this year:-

October 9th: Making Mosaic Coasters Jane Wimbury

December 11th: Women in Art a talk with slides Grainne Purkiss

Both these meetings start at 7.30 p.m. in the United Reform Church. Please just come along or contact President, Daphne Clark, 01604 505546 or email for more information.

Creaton Heritage Project - Church Windows

The stained glass windows in St Michael & All Angels came from two manufacturers. The windows in the Nave/South Aisle were made by Mayer & Co of Munich. The East Window, behind the Altar, was made by Powell Brothers of Leeds.

The East Window was installed in 1891, an event that warranted a write-up in the Northampton Mercury on Friday May 15th 1891:

The Church - stained glass of a very rich and effective character has just been inserted into the east window of the ancient church of Creaton. The subject, which is carried throughout the three openings, is the Ascension. The Saviour, clothed in a white robe and surrounded by a radiating golden glory, is seen rising from the midst of His disciples, who are no merely dignified figures calmly watching their vanishing Lord, but men struck with sudden consternation, thrown on their knees, with outstretched [arms] and open mouths, their empty centre showing how suddenly He had been taken from them. On each side of the ascending Saviour is an angel as though directing the attention of the Apostles below, and bearing a riband with the legend “This same Jesus which is taken from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner.” The colouring of the window throughout is bright yet subdued, a large amount of beautiful silvery white glass being used, and positive colours, where introduced, being small in quantity and choice of tone, the whole producing an effect somewhat similar to the old glass painting and consequently being well in keeping with the late 14th century architectural surroundings. This window has been designed and executed by Messrs Powell Brothers, of 30, Park-square, Leeds.

The top tracery light (see picture) contains the letters IHS, initials for the Latin Iesus Hominum Salvato - Jesus Saviour of Mankind.

Below this are the Archangels Michael (on the left) and Gabriel. Michael is carrying a flaming sword and Gabriel a stem of lilies. Because these are quite high up, Gabriel is sometimes taken to be Archangel Raphael. Whilst Gabriel carries lilies, Raphael is often seen with a fish. I suggest binoculars to have a good look.

The East Window was part of a number of changes to the church, particularly the Chancel, towards the end of the 19th century. The organ chamber was added in 1888 and a makeover took place in 1898 when the altar, triptych, wall paintings and oak fittings were put in. It is thought that the ceiling was painted blue with gold stars and indeed one or two can remember that still being the case in the 1950’s. That all went when the roof to the chancel was replaced.

The Creaton Heritage Project is researching the history of St Michael’s and the community, as part of the 800th anniversary of the church which will take place in 2026. If you have any memories or information, please contact Bob Tomalin at:

Over The Counter (at Creaton Village Shop)

Creaton Village Shop and Post Office is a community shop, owned by the community it serves and managed by Creaton Community Benefit Society. The AGM held in July was a success with over 40 members attending and another 40 sending apologies. Everyone was very inter-ested to hear the latest news on how the shop is doing. Following the meeting, Sue McGlasson told the audience about her flower business and there was the opportunity to see some of the lovely flowers that are available for sale in the shop. The flowers are a very welcome addition to the range of products. If you would like to support the shop by becoming a member of the Society, please get in touch with the Secretary: or ask in the shop.

The new chillers continue to get glowing comments and the extra space means that we are now offering a wider range of products, including some exciting new cheeses. The new chillers are also much more environmentally friendly so it is a win/win. And whilst we talk about new products, we have been trying a few new pastries so pop in and check out what is new.

Though we might get some raised eyebrows, Christmas is heading our way fast and the shop knows how to cater for our customers at this time of year. We are holding our annual Tasting Evening on Thursday 7th November at Ducklings (formerly Creaton Village School) at 7:30pm. This will be your opportunity to try some new wines, tasty cheeses and lots of other exciting seasonal things.

Seeing as we have already mentioned Christmas, it is not too early for the shop or you to be planning ahead. As ever, you can order your meat requirements, including turkey, vegetables and all the accompaniments for a great Christmas, and we can deliver your order if you are not able to fetch it. Ask at the shop how to order.

Quiz Night

The Quiz Night will be held in the Village Hall on 16 November, with tickets going on sale in Creaton Village Shop. Get your team names sorted and your thinking caps on!

Tellytubby Hill

Tellytubby Hill is being enjoyed by a new generation of children but some of the wooden support stakes on the front have become loose and rotten. Work is there-fore being undertaken to replace these and make the mound stable. Thanks go to Ian, Rod and Dorian for their hard work.

Creaton Playing Fields Association

Charity No. 1085011

The Creaton Singers

After the concert in September to celebrate 800 years of Creaton Village church, St Michael and All Angels, Creaton Singers have turned their attention to autumnal and Christmas themes. Whilst a little early to be thinking about Christmas, here are a few dates for your diary:

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December from 2pm to 3:30pm, come and hear the Creaton Singers at Welford Christmas Tree Farm. Get in the festive mood and choose your Christmas Tree whilst surrounded by festive cheer.

Tuesday 17th December: Annual Carol Singing round the tree on Creaton Green from 7pm followed by a concert at 7:30pm. This will be Glennis’ last concert as Musical Director of Creaton Singers so please come and join in thanking her for everything she has done over many years leading the group. She will be sorely missed.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming Musical Director of Creaton Singers please call Jane on 07879 604029.

FOSM History Group

September’s AGM saw Kate McEwan, Ann Hanson and Stuart McGregor standing down after many years of service to the Friends of St Michael’s. Thanks to them and the rest of the Com-mittee for many years of interesting talks and raising funds for the Church’s Fabric Fund. The new team kicked off with a History Quiz and the next meet-ing, on Thursday 17th October will feature Ruth Thomas talking about “Factory Life in the Boot and Shoe Industry”

Local news from the Northamptonshire villages of Cold Ashby,

Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell & Teeton and Thornby.

Last updated Thursday, September 19, 2024

Copy deadline for the Dec/Jan printed edition: Mon 4th November

