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Village News

Don’t forget to check our Events Diary for more information on events in all our villages and surrounding area.


On the second Saturday in June it was raining in Creaton, but not in the West Haddon and Winwick area when the Creaton Walking Group enjoyed a beautiful, dry walk over Honey Hill and back to The Pytchley for lunch where they were joined by six supporters.

The group were particularly delighted to be joined by a visitor from London who had never experienced a country walk before, but who kept up very well and loved the company. Also the group were joined by a dog who was on doggie day care who loved the walk and was very impressed by the sausages at the Pytchley!

The July walk involved the last leg of the Via Beata route which two members of the group look after (from Raunds to Watford) and was a circular route via Watford. One day some of the group plan to walk the whole of the Via Beata from Lowestoft to St David’s, across the widest part of Britain.

If you enjoy walking and can easily manage eight miles come and join the group on the second Saturday of the month. We meet at Creaton lychgate at 10am.

Next walks are on August 13th and September 14th.

Creaton WI


What a gorgeous day it was for Creaton in Bloom! Thank you to everyone who supported our stall; you may have noticed from the decorative banners that we are proud to be celebrating 100 years of Creaton WI, quite an achievement!

Our programme for the rest of the year is:

September 11th “Sustainable Floristry” - Kate Gardner

(Gardner’s Blooms, Harpole)

October 9th Making Mosaic Coasters - Jane Wimbury

November - Centenary Celebrations (Members only)

December 11th “Women in Art” - Grainne Purkiss

Other than in November, meetings start at 7:30pm in the United Reform Church and non-members are very welcome.   

Please just come along or contact President, Daphne Clark, 01604 505546 or email for more information.

Creaton Heritage Project

As you may know by now, St Michael & All Angels is to celebrate 800 years of being in the community, and that means that most of the building has been around that long. However there are some major parts that are newer. The extension to the left of the Porch houses the organ and was built in 1888. The masons that did it did an excellent job . If you take a walk round the outside of the church, have a look at how they have fitted the extension seamlessly to the main body of the building.

Over The Counter (at Creaton Village Shop)

We have been told that summer is here, which is, of course, good news! Here at the shop we have everything for your barbecue and outdoor parties. Come and spoil yourself with asparagus and strawberries (though possibly not strawberries on the BBQ).

If you are thinking of looking for summer elsewhere, don’t forget that the Post Office can provide you with your foreign currency. Do give us a few days’ warning if you are looking to top up on Lev or Dirham or Lira.

Have you seen our new chiller? We think it’s pretty cool. It has allowed us to extend our range so do have a look next time you are in. Even better, it is environmentally friendly and will help our efforts for sustainability significantly.

We extend a warm welcome back to our younger volunteers returning from university for the summer or now off school for a well-earned break.

If you enjoy working in a dynamic and fun environment, whether you are young or young at heart, do come and have a chat with anyone serving in the shop. If you would prefer not to work behind the counter, you could join our baking team producing delicious pastries.

Under 10s Football

On Saturday 15th June Creaton Playing Field was transformed into a full 9-a-side pitch for a post season match between West Haddon and Moulton Magpies Under 10s as the get ready for next season.

A couple of volunteers measured and line marked out a pitch on Thursday night and our fantastic volunteer mowing team ensured the grass was as smooth as the Wembley surface, or close enough!

It was great to see all the boys put on a brilliantly entertaining match with West Haddon walking away with a 6-3 win!

Save the Dates!

Given the success of our Curry Night earlier this year, we are holding another one on 15th September 2024. And here is an early notice that we will be holding our Quiz Evening on 16th November.

Thank You

Thank you to Creaton in Bloom and Benyons for their very generous donations to the much needed new play surface.


We are looking forward to Cottesbrooke Estate replacing the drain pipe that has collapsed, which should prevent the flooding of the playing field.

Creaton Playing Fields Association

Charity No. 1085011

The Creaton Singers

The Creaton Singers greatly enjoyed entertaining visitors to Creaton in Bloom teas and were encouraged by the many compliments they received. It made all the hard work practising worthwhile. Glennis Ambrose, the Musical Director, put together a mixture of well-known and lesser known songs, and this included audience participation, making for a very jolly afternoon.

The Creaton Singers have been invited to be part of the concert celebrating 800 years since Creaton's church, St Michael and All Angels, was founded. Practices are in full swing as the singers get to grips with ancient English for some of the older songs! The concert is on Sunday 8th September 3pm - Save the Date! (see below).

If you enjoy singing, why not come to a practice session? Creaton Singers meet every Tuesday from 7:30pm until 9pm in the URC on Creaton High Street. It's great fun and no audition is necessary!

Also, if you would like to lead the Creaton Singers, please contact Jane on 07879604029. Glennis is sadly, but understandably, retiring as Musical Director, but will continue to play and sing. An opportunity for a budding musician!

Creaton in Bloom 2024


A huge Thank You to everyone involved in whatever way with Creaton in Bloom 2024. It was another very successful year, thanks to you and the weather!

Due to your efforts, we raised £8,907 for:

£6,798 Fabric Fund, St Michael & All Angels

£1,000 Creaton Playing Fields

£650 United Reformed Church, Creaton

£300 Creaton Village Hall

£123 Creaton WI

£36 Ducklings

Local news from the Northamptonshire villages of Cold Ashby,

Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell & Teeton and Thornby.

Last updated Sunday, August 25, 2024

Copy deadline for the Ocober/November printed edition: Mon 2nd September

