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Village News

Don’t forget to check our Events Diary for more information on events in all our villages and surrounding area.


April was a very mixed month of sunny and rainy weather, and fortuitously the sun

decided to shine on the second Saturday of the month when the Creaton walking group did a circular walk from Ravensthorpe to East Haddon, Holdenby and Five Ways. The countryside was teeming with wildlife including geese, red kites, muntjacs and roe deer. Lunch at the Chequers was delicious. The group were delighted to welcome 4 new walkers and hope they will become regulars.

May's walk was in the Brixworth area, kindly organised by Barry.

Walks take place on the second Saturday of the month and are about 8 miles in length over fields and end with an optional pub lunch. New members, including well-behaved dogs, are always very welcome. Meet at Creaton lychgate at 10am.

Dates of next walks:

Saturday 8th June

Saturday 13th July

Saturday 10th August

Creaton Singers - new Musical Director?

After more than 12 years of complete dedication to leading the Creaton Singers, Glennis Ambrose has indicated that she would like to step back after Christmas. The Creaton Singers are

immensely grateful to Glennis for everything she has done for them and really appreciate her offer to still play for them and sing, but not to lead.

The very difficult task of finding someone to follow Glennis has started. Would you be interestedfinding out more about what is involved? Please contact Jane on 07879 604029 for an initial chat or talk to any member of the Creaton Singers.

If you would like to sing with the Creaton Singers, come for a taster session any Tuesday from 7:30pm to 9pm in the URC in the High Street.Sopranos especially welcome as we are currently a little short of sopranos.

Come and hear the Creaton Singers whilst you enjoy a delicious cream tea at Creaton in Bloom on Sunday 2ndat 2:30pm and again at 3pm in the URC, Creaton High Street.

Creaton WI

The musical evening in April, with wonderful trio “Three in Accord”, was greatly enjoyed by all - members and a large number of non-members; thank you for joining us!

Our programme for the next few months is:

June 12th Dr David George

“A Merry Heart is like a Medicine”

July 10th Christine Farmer

“The Repair Shop and Me”

September 11th Kate Gardner from Gardner’s Blooms

“Sustainable Floristry”

Meetings start at 7.30 p.m. in the United Reform Church and non-members are always very welcome.  

Please just come along or contact President, Daphne Clark, 01604 505546 or email for more information.

Creaton Heritage Project

Have you looked up in the church? If so you may well have seen faces looking back at you.

These decorative supports are ‘corbels’.

A corbel is a projection from the face of a wall, supporting a weight.

In St Michael & All Angels you can see the wall posts of the roof trusses resting on stone corbels, the projection from the wall supporting the weight of the beam.

Corbels are often decorated, usually with a face or full figure. Here in St Michael’s, there are a number of different faces,

including a style known as tongue-stickers. Many of these may be caricatures of local characters, benefactors or even of the stonemasons themselves.

In some churches, the corbels down one side would represent evil, and down the other, good, a visual reminder to those who could not read that God accepts all but wins in the end.

Simon Bown

1st July 1945 – 23rd March 2024

Joan and Simon moved to Highfield Park, Creaton, 31 years ago, from Charlton Musgrove, near Wincanton, Somerset. Simon was Financial Director for Swift Transport, which was then taken over by Christian Salvesen. They soon involved themselves in village life.  He was treasurer for Citizens Advice in Oakham, and for Solden House, a residential home for young adults, who lived in the home into adulthood, with physical and mental disabilities. Simon became very active in supporting local charities. He became Treasurer, and more recently a Trustee for Dennis Yardy’s trust. This was set up by Dennis and has made many donations to local good causes.

He was a very keen cyclist and could often be seen cycling miles around Northamptonshire and beyond! Simon and four friends cycled from Lands End to John O’Groats in 2003 raising in total £30,000, again donated to charities and good causes.

Simon was passionate about horse racing, and he and Joan have owned several horses, some running at Guilsborough Point to Point. Their latest horse ran recently at Haydock finishing 2nd, a result he was able to enjoy even when he was so poorly.

He was a lifelong supporter of Bristol rugby and took great delight whenever Bristol beat Northampton Saints!!

Some years ago he took on the role of Treasurer for Saint Michaels and All Angels, Creaton. He worked extremely hard and enthusiastically in this role. The recent changes in the church, removal of pews to open up the area, new servery, and inside toilet, were all as a result of his hard work and determination to acquire grants and funding. This will be a lasting tribute to him.

After a very short illness, Simon died on March 23. He leaves his wife of 50 years, Joan, daughter Holly, who lives in Bristol with her daughter & husband, and daughter Amy, who lives in Cumbria with her two sons and husband.

Joan would like to thank everyone for their very kind letters, cards and support, these have given her great comfort.

He will be greatly missed by all his friends and neighbours.


Summer is bursting in, and the shop is full of summer produce, and will remain so over the next few months, with fresh seasonal produce.

Welcome to Archie Pygott who has joined the Post Office team and also works in the shop. Archie lives in the village and has

recently left school. Thanks to support from the Benyon Trust, the shop has been able to train Archie and thereby give employment to another young local person. If you have not met Archie yet, pop in and introduce yourself.

And now a few questions:

These are home-grown by our landlords, who kindly allow us space on their land for our community shop. You could not get more local!

Why not buy a voucher from Creaton Village Shop and let the recipient have the pleasure of choosing their own gift from the wide range on offer, including wines, spirits, chocolates, flowers and delicious biscuits.

It's receiving lots of compliments, so come and try a cuppa, either to take away or sit outside if it is sunny.

Our first fundraising event of 2024, the Curry Evening held at the Jomidar Lounge here in Creaton, was a great success with 53 tickets being sold and the event raising over £600.

A combined Creaton/Long Buckby Wharf crack team won the Quiz comprising questions about curry and curry culture. Thank you to everyone who supported the event and massive thanks and congratulations to the team from The Jomidar Lounge for their excellent food, service and contribution towards our funds. (Photos on the Village Link website.)

The field continues to be extremely soggy as wet weather

continues to plague Northamptonshire. We have had offers of help from a village resident as well as Cottesbrooke Estate to assist in improving the field with drainage pipes and clearing of the drain along the Brixworth Road. Hopefully this will come to

fruition soon and will make things a lot better for users of the field and also our tractor drivers. We are planning to organise work parties over the Summer to improve and maintain the field. Please look out for details and come along to help if you are able.

We have applied to Northamptonshire Community Foundation for a grant towards the improvement of our safer surfacing. We are expecting a decision to be made in May and are hoping for a positive outcome.

Our Annual General Meeting was held at The Village Hall on 16th April. Unfortunately the attendence was low but we would like to say thank you to all of the villagers who did attend. We are

grateful to Kate Tyrell, a new village resident, who has kindly stepped forward and agreed to act as our Secretary. Ian Watson has taken on the role of Field Manager and we have high hopes that he will solve all of our problems!

Save the Date: The Quiz evening this year will be held at The Village Hall on 16th November.

Mark Woollven


Our tractor team have requested that you remove any unwanted doggy sticks from the field as these can damage the cutting gear. Dogs must always be on a lead.

Creaton Playing Fields Association

Charity No. 1085011

Local news from the Northamptonshire villages of Cold Ashby,

Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell & Teeton and Thornby.

Last updated Monday, May 27, 2024

Copy deadline for the Augst/September printed edition: Mon 1st July

