April was a very mixed month of sunny and rainy weather, and fortuitously the sun

decided to shine on the second Saturday of the month when the Creaton walking group did a circular walk from Ravensthorpe to East Haddon, Holdenby and Five Ways. The countryside was teeming with wildlife including geese, red kites, muntjacs and roe deer. Lunch at the Chequers was delicious. The group were delighted to welcome 4 new walkers and hope they will become regulars.

May's walk was in the Brixworth area, kindly organised by Barry.

Walks take place on the second Saturday of the month and are about 8 miles in length over fields and end with an optional pub lunch. New members, including well-behaved dogs, are always very welcome. Meet at Creaton lychgate at 10am.

Dates of next walks:

Saturday 8th June

Saturday 13th July

Saturday 10th August